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Work Hard, Play Hard, Gain Faster.

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...

Test & Improve the Limits of Your Body

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...

Become the Master of your Body

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...

Mandy Martini Is The Best Yoga Teacher

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...