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Imagine You’re Innocent

What would you think if you knew nothing about this? How might a child interpret the problem or solution? What’s the obvious solution and why is it good or bad?...

Imagine You’re The Explorer

How can we break new ground? Are we thinking too locally? If we could rewrite the rules, what would we do differently? How might someone from a different culture approach...

Imagine You’re The Sage

Take on the persona of an oracle. Why are we really doing this? What’s the true insight and purpose of this project? Is there a deeper truth? What would someone...

Imagine You’re The Customer

What does a day in the life of your target audience look like? What are their fears and aspirations? What might they not understand? What might we not understand about...

Imagine You’re The Devil

What would someone ruthless do? How could you use mischief to disrupt the situation? What if we broke some stuff? How might someone evil exploit you?...


Creative breakthroughs often arise from challenging conventions. What assumptions have already been made? Could they be wrong, or shifted? What if the brief is too narrow? Too wide? Pretend to...