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The Third Story

Consider the impartial perspective. We’re often blind to our own assumptions, and our perceptions are colored by our insider understanding. What might someone with no knowledge or bias think?...


We value things that are in short supply. Is there a way to create demand or at least the perception of it? How might limitations be beneficial? If there isn’t...

Critical Mass

A critical mass is a self-sustaining chain reaction. What could we do to create a viral effect whereby the idea spreads itself? How might we make it remarkable or useful...

Social Proof

As tribal creatures, we want validation before we act. How can we create and communicate social buy-in? Could the crowd itself contribute in some way? Is there a way to...

First Principals

Define the base principles to reason more clearly. Question what’s actually fundamental to bring the problem (and solution) into sharper relief. What unnecessary assumptions are being made? What if we...

The Pareto Principle

About 80% of the output tends to come from 20% of the input. How might we optimise by focussing on the most relevant factors? How can we design for the...