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Vote No To Bias

Our judgments are invariably shaped by our personal biases. So, it’s best to have discerning independent third parties evaluate anonymized ideas rather than a group vote....

Brain Writing

Everyone writes an idea on a piece of paper. Pass your piece of paper clockwise, the next person builds on the idea. Repeat until everyone has contributed to each other’s...


Group brainstorming is often affected by social factors and confident voices thwarting more considered thinking. Familiarize yourself with common cognitive biases that can affect decision making, evaluation, and group dynamics...

Starburst Questions

Create a mind map star with six points for each of the classic analysis questions: Who, what, when, where, why, and how. Note that the ‘why’ is the most likely...

Reverse Brainstorming

Instead of solutions, brainstorm to generate problems. What other issues might need solving? Will there be flow-on effects that require different solutions? What’s a different way of thinking about the...

See Inspiration

Use the room you’re in as a visual inspiration canvas by finding references to print and put up on the walls, along with your rough concepts, sketches, headlines, and so...